WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Paper 9 11th December 2009 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Title: UPDATED REPORT/RECOMMENDATION ON CALLED-IN PLANNING APPLICATION Prepared by: ANDREW TAIT, PLANNING (DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT) OFFICER DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED: DEMOLITION OF EXISTING HOUSE AND ERECTION OF 6 FLATS (RESERVED MATTERS), KILA, GRAMPIAN ROAD, AVIEMORE REFERENCE: 07/397/CP APPLICANT: LAUREL GRANT LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP DATE CALLED-IN: 19 OCTOBER 2007 RECOMMENDATION: REFUSAL Fig. 1 - Location Plan Page 2 BACKGROUND AND UPDATE 1. The purpose of this report is to bring forward a revised recommendation with regard to the above scheme. The proposal was presented to Planning Committee on 27 June 2008 and a copy of the report is attached. A number of caveats were placed upon a recommendation to support the scheme including the requirement for a tree survey, bat survey and a re-consultation with Highland Council Housing Officers regarding exactly how the housing, intended for local people would actually be managed. 2. Ultimately, while being viewed positively in principle a number of concerns were raised by members in addition to the above caveats. This related to concerns about the design of the building and that an occupational therapist should provide comment on the adequacy of the building for elderly or disabled residents. Concern was also raised about how access would be gained to the site. In particular concern was raised about potential access to the first floor from the Aviemore Highland Resort directly behind the site. 3. The application was deferred at Planning Committee on 27 June 2008 to enable the areas of concern to be resolved prior to the scheme being brought back to Planning Committee. Since this time no further information to resolve the concerns outlined has been supplied. The applicant has consistently agreed to extensions of time to enable the outstanding details to be provided. A letter from the applicant dated 23 January 2009 points out that the details would be likely to be finalised in the next 2 months. Nothing beyond a further letter in June asking for a further extension of time has been received. 4. The same applicant has more recently submitted an application on this site which extends to the north for retail and affordable housing. The intention being that the housing would be affordable and could potentially substitute for any affordable housing requirement at the applicant’s site known as Milton (Application Ref 09/153/CP) which is also on this agenda. 5. Given the length of time that has lapsed without a response the proposal is now recommended for refusal based upon it failing to demonstrate that it meets the caveats placed on the attached report and the additional concerns raised by members at the meeting in June 2008. RECOMMENDATION 6. It is recommended to Members of the Committee that the application for detailed planning permission for the siting and design of 6 flats at Kila, Grampian Road Aviemore be REFUSED for the following reasons: 1. The proposal does not include a tree survey, failing to demonstrate that it would protect natural heritage interests at the site. The proposal is contrary to Policy N1 Nature Conservation and G2 Design for Sustainability of the Highland Structure Plan 2003 and to the first aim of the Park embodied in the National Park Plan 2007 which seeks to conserve and enhance the natural heritage of the area. Page 3 2. The proposal does not include a bat survey, failing to demonstrate that it would protect natural heritage interests at the site. The proposal is contrary to Policy N1 Nature Conservation and G2 Design for Sustainability of the Highland Structure Plan 2003 and to the first aim of the Park embodied in the National Park Plan 2007 which seeks to conserve and enhance the natural heritage of the area. 3. The proposal fails to demonstrate that adequate access can be gained to the site contrary to Policy G2 Design for Sustainability of the Highland Structure Plan 2003 which seeks to ensure that proposals are accessible by a range of means. 4. The proposal is intended as affordable housing for the disabled and/or elderly but fails to demonstrate a mechanism for its maintenance and continuing retention in the affordable sector that would satisfy the requirements of Highland Council Housing Officers. Andrew Tait 2 December 2009 planning@cairngorms.co.uk The map on the first page of this report has been produced to aid in the statutory process of dealing with planning applications. The map is to help identify the site and its surroundings and to aid Planning Officers, Committee Members and the Public in the determination of the proposal. Maps shown in the Planning Committee Report can only be used for the purposes of the Planning Committee. Any other use risks infringing Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Maps produced within this Planning Committee Report can only be reproduced with the express permission of the Cairngorms National Park Authority and other Copyright holders. This permission must be granted in advance.